mdcat English Articles chapter 8.pdf
mdcat English Articles chapter 8.pdf
Article is a word that describes a noun. It makes a noun general/common or particular.
Types of Articles:
1. Indefinite Articles
2. Definite Article
1. Indefinite Articles (a, an):
They are used with a common and singular noun.
Before consonant sounds
▪ A book, a girl, a boy, a university
Before vowel sounds
▪ An apple, an MA, an MBBS, an inkpot
Use of Indefinite Articles:
Rule 1: Before common noun and name of profession.
▪ He is a teacher.
▪ I saw an elephant yesterday.
Rule 2: Before the name of a person unknown to us.
▪ I met an Aliya in the party.
Rule 3: Before a common noun used as a first time.
▪ I saw an elephant. The elephant was not that big.
Rule 4: Omission of Indefinite Article:
i. Do not use A/An with uncountable nouns.
▪ He needs a wood to burn for bonfire. (Error)
▪ He needs wood to burn for bonfire. (Correct)
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